Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Basic Understanding of the Abdomen Ultrasound

You may have heard about the abdominal ultrasound. Today, in this blog we will learn about this type of ultrasound because this is quite different from the pregnancy ultrasound.
Abdomen Ultrasound Gurgaonis a form of imaging test. It is done to have a closer look at the organs in the abdomen. The blood vessels that lead to a few of these organs, for example, the inferior vena cava and aorta, can also be examined with ultrasound.

Abdominal ultrasound imaging is conducted to evaluate the:
·         kidneys
·         liver
·         gallbladder
·         bile ducts
·         pancreas
·         spleen
·         abdominal aorta and other blood vessels of the abdomen

How the Test is Conducted?

An ultrasound machine forms images of organs and its structures inside the body. The machine transmits high-frequency sound waves the shows off the body structures. A computer acquire these waves and utilizes them to make a picture. Unlike with CT scans, this test does not expose you to ionizing radiation.
You will be lying down for the process. A transparent, water-based conducting gel is used on the skin over the abdomen. This assists the transmission of the sound waves. A transducer is then moved on the abdomen.
You may have to change position so that the radiologist can have a look at distinct regions. Additionally, you may have to hold your breath for less time amid the exam.

What Abnormal Results Imply

The meaning of abnormal results is based on the organ being evaluated and the kind of problem. Get in touch with your doctor if you have any queries.
An abdominal ultrasound can show conditions such as:
·         Abdominal aortic aneurysm
·         Abscess
·         Appendicitis
·         Cholecystitis
·         Gallstones
·         Hydronephrosis
·         Kidney stones
·         Pancreatitis (inflammation in pancreas)
·         Spleen enlargement (splenomegaly)
·         Portal hypertension
·         Liver tumours
·         Obstruction of bile ducts
·         Cirrhosis

There is the least risk associated with abdominal Ultrasound in Gurgaon. There will be the least exposure to ionizing radiation.